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§ 1

General Provisions

  1. Following legal acts are applicable:
    1. Act of 16 July 2004 Telecommunications Law (Dz. U. 2017.1907, as amended);
    2. Act on Provision of Services by Electronic Means of 18 July 2002 (Dz. U. 2017.1219, as amended);
    3. Regulation (EU) No 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing directive 95/46/WE (general data protection regulation) (Dz. U. L 119 of 4 May 2016) and Polish personal data protection laws.

§ 2

Privacy and personal data protection

  1. The User data is processed by the Owner in accordance with the mandatory rules of law. The User personal data acquired by the Owner is processed on the basis of the User’s consent or other factors allowing the Owner to process the data, especially the Regulation.
  2. The Owner shall take all due diligence to protect the interests of persons to whom the data relates, and specifically ensures that the data is:
    1. processed in accordance with the mandatory rules of law, in a valid and transparent manner for the Clients and other people to whom the data relates;
    2. collected for specific, clear and legally justified purposes and not processed further in ways contrary to such purposes;
    3. adequate, proper and limited to what is necessary for the purpose of its processing;
    4. correct and, if needed, updated;
    5. stored in a manner allowing one to identify the person to whom the data relates for the period not longer than necessary for the fulfilment of the purpose of the data storage;
    6. processed in a manner that ensures proper security of the personal data, including protection from disallowed or illegal processing or accidental loss, destruction or damage, using appropriate technical and organisational means,
  3. The Owner employs appropriate technical and organisational means to ensure protection of the processed personal data adequate to the nature, scope, context and purpose of the processing and the risk of infringement on the rights or liberties of natural persons.
  4. The Owner aims at systematically modernising the employed information technology, technical and organisational means of data protection, specifically, the Owner updates the information technology means of protection, providing protection from viruses, unauthorised access and other dangers resulting from usage of the computerised systems and telecommunication networks.
  5. Each User that in any way shared their personal data with the Owner shall be enabled by the Owner to access it and the persons to whom the data relates shall have access to other rights, in accordance with the relevant mandatory rules of law, specifically:
    1. the right to withdraw their consent to process personal data;
    2. the right to obtain information about their personal data;
    3. the right to control the data processing, including updating it, clarifying it or deleting it;
    4. the right to object to the processing or to limit the processing;
    5. the right to file complaints to a regulatory body and to utilise other legal methods to protect their rights.
  6. The Owner may process the personal data in an automated manner, including profiling, in accordance with the Regulation. In such cases the Owner aims to accomplish marketing-related activities or the need to personalise communication sent to the Users (including matching information to the needs or expectations of the User). The User may object to such means of processing their personal data – this objection may be voiced by sending an e-mail to the Owner’s e-mail address:
  7. Any person having access to the personal data may process it solely on the basis of the Owner’s authorisation or an agreement for personal data processing, and solely on the Owner’s request.

§ 3


  1. Cookies identify the User, which allows one to match the contents of the website to their needs. Memorising the User’s preferences, the Cookies enable the website to properly match its content, e.g. advertisements, to the User. The Owner utilises Cookies to ensure a suitable standard of convenience of the Website, and the collected data is utilised solely within the company for the purposes of optimisation.
  2. The Cookies are utilised in order to:
    1. adjust the content of the Website to the User’s preferences;
    2. optimise the usage of the Website, especially via recognition of the User’s end device,
    3. draw statistical data,
    4. prolong the User’s session,
    5. deliver advertising content to the User.
  3. Cookies may be placed on the Website User’s end device.
  4. The collected data is used to monitor and check the ways in which the Users utilise the Website, to improve its functionality, ensuring more effective and seamless navigation.
  5. It is worth noting that in some cases, not dependent on the Owner, the software installed on the User’s end device used to browse websites (e.g. Internet browsers) allows storing Cookies on the end device by default. The Users may at any time change their Cookies preferences. The settings may be changed so that automatic Cookies allowance is blocked or each instance of such data being stored on the end device is communicated to the User. Any detailed information relating to this process is available in the settings and instructions relating to the relevant software (browser).
  6. The User may at any time disable or re-enable the option to collect cookies via their individual browser settings.
  7. The modification of the setting constitutes an objection to the Policy that may in the future hamper their usage of the Website. A complete blockage of Cookies shall not mean inability to browse the content on the Website, unless the relevant data requires being logged in.
  8. Not introducing any modifications to the settings means that the data shall be stored on the User’s end device (usage of the Website shall mean automatic storage of Cookies on the User’s end device).
  9. The data stored on the User’s end device will not cause any configurational changes to the device or the software installed on it.
  10. The information relating to Cookies is also applicable to other similar technologies employed by the Website.